Tag Archives: Sunrise

a colourful start

just before sunrise

I was up early,  and out to the  Point  to enjoy the brilliant dawn colours. Katrina enjoyed sniffing the trails of the raccoons and deer that had visited overnight while  I watched the shifting colours and the morning flights of gulls, geese, and ducks.

The rarity of an almost cloudless sunrise allowed me to identify just how far the sun has moved north. More light, more warmth. And it's most welcome!

Sunrise thoughts

Light and shadow, the shapes of the trees and the openness of the sea as it stretches across to the mainland— the otters have left crab shells and a few crab legs on the point. Perhaps I scared them when they were feasting on the morning catch. A heron squawks loudly as it launches and slowly wings across the bay. Its a lovely bright morning. No low cloud and sea fog obscuring the view today. At least not right now.

In addition to the freshness of the early morning, and the colours of the sunrise, the first light shows the contours of the ground most clearly.  Later, the contours are still there, of course, but not quite as easy to see.

A good reminder for me  to 'take stock' first thing, while the lay of the land is clear and well lit.

A week of mornings

Every morning has its own unique colours, patterns, textures. I delight to take photos at each day's start.

This particular gallery is from February 18 to 27, and shows something of the range.

The Point this morning

click on the file for a larger view
click on the file for a larger view

The days begin with a walk to Flagpole Point before breakfast.
In part it is a necessity, to walk the dog, but equally important is that this outing provides me a chance to appreciate the uniqueness of each morning. Though it is the same place, the variation is infinite:   light, colour and texture  in differing combinations.
The rising sun's position is constantly shifting with the seasons,   tides varying with moon-phase, wind and weather, clouds, fog, rain,  or clear... Add to this, the cast of birds and small animals. I never know just what the morning jaunt will offer: kingfishers, herons, otters, harlequins, eagles, mink, seals...

It has long been my habit to record these first glimpses of the day there with a few photos, usually just on my iPhone, but sometimes with my 'big' camera. Recently it occurred to me to share some of my morning glimpses with others, so I created a Flickr Album Mornings at Flagpole Point  which you can view here.

My aim is to post one a day. Sometimes, like yesterday when we had a power outage I couldn't post. There are bound to be other missed days here and there, but mostly it'll be a daily photo.

Thanks so much for enjoying these glimpses of the world with me.



storm moving in

Storm moving in 2014 12 08IMG 2732IMG 2732
click on image for a larger view and more details

It looks like the forecast is matching what we saw as the sun rose this morning. Heavy rain and wind are in the offing. Meanwhile —there was a blaze of glory in the early light.


I’ve added a few adjustments to this iPhone photo with Photoshop and Topaz Simplify get the image closer to what my 'eye' saw.