Walking on the island's shores is like walking in a gallery filled with sculptures masterfully wrought and generously offered for all to enjoy. Here are a few glimpses of yesterday's meandering through the gallery.
What can be found in the deserts of the Negev, in Antarctica, the Isle of Skye, Germany, India...and Galiano Island?
Here on Galiano Island our coast is predominantly sandstone, and features amazing tafoni from north to south. In all its spectacular shapes, hollows, lacework and lattice, it provides endless fascination as the light plays on it, highlighting its contours and patterns. The photo here (above) was taken on our own flagpole point, and I've included a gallery below with several other photos I've posted over the past while.
Galleries of Tafoni
the classic tiny pits … like a moonscape
marvelous tafoni
evening sun on tafoni
evening sun on tafoni 2
the square chunk tafoni: weird
this tafoni looks like someone used a breadknife to cut slits in the stone!
glimpses of the extraordinary amidst an ordinary day