The brilliant fresh green of the deer-foot (a.k.a. vanilla leaf) and more properly Achlys triphylla -- it is a delight to see their slender stalks, and the tight leaves, like hands with their palms pressed together, then opening like praying hands opening to the light —
The flowers will emerge later but meanwhile these beauties light up the forest floor everywhere the sun filters through.
Some days, though the sun shines, I need some extra light and brightness. This yellow tulip in the morning sun, is such a gift. I needed this one today!
I love not only the brilliant glow of this tulip, and its yellow-gold, but the slight pink blush adds another touch of beauty to this one.
From a crevice in the cracked sandstone ridge, a slender young hemlock tree stretches up into the light. Sheltered by the large cedars, the sunlight filters through.
A few glimpses of the first sunrise of the year. My routine of capturing images of the mornings, day by day, continues. And my resolve for this year is to resume my postings on this website: a good project to re-launch as my retirement resumes.
Each morning I meander out to the Point by our flagpole and take a photo or two as a way to start the day and record the morning's weather. Invariably I am met by beauty and wonder, whether it's dull or clear. Often too there are eagles, otters, seals, and other shorebirds and wildlife. Here's a small sampling of some recent mornings.
tulips reaching for the light: click on image for a larger view
Spring has been so late this year. At least.. it sure feels like it! So these tulips reaching for the light speak volumes... leaning towards the light, reaching for it, and drawn to its warmth ...
In the garden for fall clean up there were still a few snaps, nasturtiums and sweet peas, so I gathered this last offering from the summer with gratitude. I love the way the morning light highlights its soft beauty and warm colours.
The golden light on these October morning's is a pleasure to behold! And it helps that sunrise is a little later these days so I can get out to enjoy them.