nasturtiums on the counter top (click image for a larger view)
Every day the garden needs water. And every day the garden responds, offering me the gift of its flowers.
Its gifts— nasturtiums, sweet peas, snapdragons— are multiplied as I arrange little bouquets that sit on the counters and on the table tops; as I photograph the arrangements; and then as I 'play' with the photos and take delight in details and nuances of colour and light while processing them and preparing them for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by my photo blog and enjoying some of the things I see... And let me know what you like to see and share.
Lines and curves - click on image for a larger view
The curves and lines in this image have been intriguing me since I captured it on Friday.
What keeps me looking is the contrast between the long clean lines that have been so carefully drawn in this garden, and the rough 'imperfect' lines and curves of the tree and its shadow. The intersection of these lines— their juxtaposition— provokes all sorts of thoughts for me.
I wonder what it suggests to you?
glimpses of the extraordinary amidst an ordinary day