I'm surrounded by the creative hand, revealing unexpected beauty in even the flotsam the washes in with the tide— this particular piece of such grace-given beauty is hanging above a friend's workbench where it serves as a reminder and inspiration.
Here's the NEWS!
A further note of gratitude today: I finally figured out, or at least mades some progress in posting web galleries. I've put a menu up top of my Curious Spectacles Blog, and also want to include the link to my Galleries page here.
I'll be posting more galleries now that I've got the process figured out (mostly... still learning!)
With the very encouraging response to my offering of photo prints, cards, and more at the Galiano Saturday Market this summer, I've started offering my photo prints and cards for sale. You can let me know if there's anything on the Gallery Pages or anywhere else that you're interested in obtaining a photo print or some photo cards. Just drop me a note / email, or leave a comment and I'll get back to you!
Warm good wishes from the Curious Spectacles Studio!