This afternoon a small grouping of mergansers was patrolling the shallows. I've been watching for their return, and am so happy to see them fishing close to shore, faces immersed, and diving the instant they catch sight of a morsel.
Just after I retrieved my camera , something startled them, and off they went in a fabulous flurry of wings and water— a spectacular splash of colour and light. I didn't have time to re-set my camera, so caught what I could. Watching wildlife we are given whatever glimpses there are. And this was definitely one. A great delight.
the extraordinary colours of arbutus bark...(click to enlarge)
I've been asked about the image on my Curious Spectacles Welcome Page, so I thought it best to post a special post to respond to the question.
The photo is a close up of a piece of arbutus bark that caught my eye. It was quite a large curl of the delicate and brittle skin that's characteristic of those precious trees, and I was struck not just by the size and colour, but by its own 'eye' design as though it were looking back at me.
I figured it was an auspicious image*, just the right thing for this blog.
*I've enlarged and edited the photo to simplify the pattern, using Topaz Simplify with Aperture (my main photo app).
glimpses of the extraordinary amidst an ordinary day