The mornings are always different, always changing, always beautiful... This is a sampling of my morning photos from Flagpole Point this past week shows something of the daily changes. Click on each photo to see it in larger format.
The mornings are always different, always changing, always beautiful... This is a sampling of my morning photos from Flagpole Point this past week shows something of the daily changes. Click on each photo to see it in larger format.
— the swoop of sandstone, its colours and shapes... Lion Islet is an ever changing, always captivating wonder... It was a treat to be on the water to enjoy the depth of the colours which, in the summer sun, are vibrant. Actually the colours are vibrant in the winter too. Just so different!
The Lion himself is looking to the east (right)... (can you see him? I'll post another soon showing his other side...)
By the way, Curious Spectacles now has a Facebook Page! You can find (and, I hope, 'Like') the page at
This morning as the sun came up, the rose glow backlit the wet grasses and small oregon grape leaves. The colours were gorgeous— but what really surprised me was the spider web that I hadn't seen at all until I opened the photo file on my computer. Bonus. Completely unexpected!
Walking along the Bodega Ridge trail this morning, the light and colours were stunning; the views spectacular. In addition to the more obvious sights drawing our attention were the low mounds of spring green moss glowing in the sun, the lichen draped branches in the forest, and this tangle of branches, baked dry in the sun, but retaining the extraordinary shape of its previous glory as a live manzanita.
The structure of these shrubs is hard to see sometimes when clothed in their ever-green mantle. But here, stripped bare, complex interior beauty is revealed.
For more photos of Bodega Ridge on Galiano Island, click here.
The light on the moss carpeting the forest, and the dominance of the blue-green lichens on the cedar trunks makes for an 'other worldly' scene, though of course it is just exactly 'this world' as it is, in the depths of the rain forest, in the wet west coast winter.