Here's another collection of photos from this past week. To view the photos in larger format, click on any one.
As always, prints are available by contacting me in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by!
Walking along the path to the beach, surrounded by a tangle of tall dried grasses, the grey twisted limbs of Ocean Spray and a tangle of bare wild rose canes, I was struck by the pattern and colour! Exquisite, wild and unexpected beauty, the designs, patterns and artistry. On both sides, all around.
With this image, the deeper I look, the more intriguing the patterns. And yet, I could have simply walked on past, thinking the only thing was to get to the beach at the end of the path…
Walking at the Bluffs in the winter, even on an overcast, drizzly day, offers a feast of colour, texture and shape. The trees are clothed in mosses, and draped with lichens. Here what caught my eye was the twists and curves of the Garry Oak. They were almost luminous with the deep greenness of the mosses, though much darker than the tangle of lichen covered branches in the foreground.
On Wednesday afternoon a flock of Surfbirds and Black Turnstone arrived at our beach. The chattering noise, and the flurry of wings... These are a few of the photos I took.
It's interesting to note the relative size of the Surfbirds and Turnstones compared to the gulls. And also the distinction between the Surfbirds and Turnstones. The Turnstones have white on the leading edge of their wings and on their back. The Surfbirds have no white on their backs.
While the clouds were hanging low, and the incessant drizzle tempted us to stay inside by the fire, the awareness there was a new trail to explore drew us out. We put on our best wet weather gear and headed for the spot we'd heard of, and were rewarded with a magnificent adventure, getting yet another perspective on our lovely island.
The trail curved downwards through large cedars and firs, ferns and salal, and then a patch of wetland, before emerging on the sloping sandstone of the north east coast of Galiano. Though the trail isn't long it took us some time, as we kept stopping to admire the curves and shapes and the rich beauty around us,
Today's a dull and rainy day, so I've been looking back through photos from last year about this time. This one is to me hugely appealing. The mystery of what's just around the bend...
I love the frosty rosehips, and the dried grasses that bound the trail: soft wintery colours.
Each morning, when I take the dog out for her first walk of the day, I venture out to the Point for a clear view of the morning’s light. If it has rained at all, I note the measurement in the rain gauge, and then empty it for the next 24 hour monitoring. And I take photos.
Every day is so different —the light, the angle of the sun, the patterns and textures of the clouds, the tide’s height in its constant ebb and flow, the way the waves are meeting the shore, the presence of various shore birds, gulls, otters and seals. Occasionally, on a very still morning, my attention is caught by the breath sounds of a humpback whale, and I see the spray of it’s powerful exhalation far out in the distance.
For over a year I’ve been documenting the mornings under the title ‘The Point this morning’. I had intended to do my photo project only for the 6 months from winter solstice to summer solstice, to note the wide varying of the sun’s position at sunrise. But these daily photo glimpses became such an important part of my day’s beginning, I carried on. Now, I can't bear to give it up so I’m thinking I will contimue for the time being and see what happens...