Some days, though the sun shines, I need some extra light and brightness. This yellow tulip in the morning sun, is such a gift. I needed this one today!
I love not only the brilliant glow of this tulip, and its yellow-gold, but the slight pink blush adds another touch of beauty to this one.
In the morning and in the afternoon, the sunlight highlights the beauty all around…. The salmon berry blossom in the morning light (below), and the flowering currant in the afternoon as the sun lowers…
This rose makes me smile every time I look at it: such soft petals and yet depth of colour. It's blooming in a neighbour's garden, one that I pass by when I walk the dog, and there's just no way I can pass by without bending down and drawing in its rich fragrance, as rich in fragrance as it is in colour.
Yesterday I took a photo and this morning its been my delight to play with the image and present it as a piece of photo art. I hope you can almost smell the fragrance, and sense the velvet softness of the petals. I sure can!
nasturtiums on the counter top (click image for a larger view)
Every day the garden needs water. And every day the garden responds, offering me the gift of its flowers.
Its gifts— nasturtiums, sweet peas, snapdragons— are multiplied as I arrange little bouquets that sit on the counters and on the table tops; as I photograph the arrangements; and then as I 'play' with the photos and take delight in details and nuances of colour and light while processing them and preparing them for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by my photo blog and enjoying some of the things I see... And let me know what you like to see and share.
tulips reaching for the light: click on image for a larger view
Spring has been so late this year. At least.. it sure feels like it! So these tulips reaching for the light speak volumes... leaning towards the light, reaching for it, and drawn to its warmth ...
In the garden for fall clean up there were still a few snaps, nasturtiums and sweet peas, so I gathered this last offering from the summer with gratitude. I love the way the morning light highlights its soft beauty and warm colours.
This delicate flower is always a surprise to me when I come across it. I've rendered it here, blending several photos and textures together, to present the soft colours, the delicacy and vulnerability of this little flower the way it appears to me.
glimpses of the extraordinary amidst an ordinary day