Much of our coastal forest is made up of western red cedar, and sadly many of these giants of our forest are dying with the shift of climate. There simply isn't enough water for their needs. Maybe this is why this single cedar offers me hope, provides some encouragement. There’s a clearing all around it while it stands in its singular beauty. Healthy and vibrant. The forest gardeners are no where in sight, but the signs of their labours remain. And the tree is flourishing: a signal of care.
In the garden for fall clean up there were still a few snaps, nasturtiums and sweet peas, so I gathered this last offering from the summer with gratitude. I love the way the morning light highlights its soft beauty and warm colours.
These lovely sunny afternoons are a delight. And the shorebirds are arriving for the winter. Among them are these Surfbirds, gathered at the shore in significant numbers, and these ones seem to be 'consulting' at a small tide pool...
The golden light on these October morning's is a pleasure to behold! And it helps that sunrise is a little later these days so I can get out to enjoy them.
glimpses of the extraordinary amidst an ordinary day